The success of our goals will depend upon weather or not they are SMART.  Smart goals are ones that are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time oriented. Here is how to apply SMART principles to your goals.  Let’s build upon the example of a goal “to have a garden” as we go through the 5 simple steps of a smart goal.
A specific goal will answer the five 'W' questions:
·       Who: Who is involved? Me
·       What: What do I want to accomplish? Have a garden 
·       When:  When will you do this?  This summer
·       Where: Identify a location. The north corner of my backyard
·       Why: Specific reasons, purpose or benefits of accomplishing the goal. To provide vegetables for my family

How will I know when it is accomplished? When I have 5 produce plants bearing food for my family can eat.

Is this goal realistic and attainable? Consider the conditions surrounding the goal, how realistic is it to be able to achieve this goal?  Certain conditions are needed for produce to grow including the right irrigation system, the right weather, protection from insects and pests.  I am realizing that I need to do some research to make sure this is a realistic goal.  

Relevant goals drive you forward and will fit into your life. A relevant goal can answer yes to these questions:
·       Does this seem worthwhile? Yes, I will love to have fresh, organic food.
·       Is this the right time? I have time in my schedule to make this happen. 

This part of the SMART goal criteria is intended to prevent goals from being overtaken by the day-to-day distractions that can arise.  A deadline will keep you on track. 

A time-bound goal will usually the question:
·       When? Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday I will work on my garden from 4-5pm

As you can see, it is beneficial to take a look at the 5 steps in the SMART prior to moving forward.  It will allow you to see possible problems that will arise (eg: research needed to ensure that the backyard environment is conducive to growing produce) and make the goal a priority so it does not get lost in the business of everyday life. 

Action Step:  
Take 10 minutes and write down a SMART goal.  



Being Grounded


Assertiveness, the Key to Authentic Relationships