My Services

HEALTHY- you are able to function well physically, mentally, socially, and spiritually and can express the full range of your unique potential. (Farlex medical dictionary). 

Health & Fitness Coaching

This safe and dignified place allows you to approach life and choices with honesty, curiosity, creativity and courage. You will find yourself making changes that are sustainable and lasting.  Life coaching packages include health coaching, life transitions and habit change. Personal training includes functional fitness, strength, flexibility, yoga, and triathlon training. Heidi coaches ambitious people to maximize their efforts and get visible results.

Guest Speaking

Through light-hearted and engaging talks and workshops, Heidi brings encouragement, confidence and practical strategies for living a healthy, fulfilling life.  Let's talk about real issues in real ways to get to the heart of the matter.

Group Coaching

Join this coaching group with women who are like minded for supportive and authentic discussion. Workshop topics include fittness, nutrition, personality inventories, vision boards, mindset and strategies for habit change.

There’s nothing quite as intense as the moment of clarity when you suddenly see what’s really possible for you